Sunday, September 11, 2011


first of yeah I know its for Monday but lunch lady always says TUESDAY SURPRISE and gives you a heap of the same nasty crap they always serve you. This is not Tuesday surprise thankfully, our stomachs are no longer screaming i'm going to die, this is the blog for my SURPRISE (yes all caps every-time muhaha). This project is going to be more of a metephorical one than a literal one. First i was planning on sticking a mirror into a shoe box with other mirrors to produce that really neat infinite room effect. that was going to be the SURPRISE but then as time went on I kept thinking that this is really cool but not really a SURPRISE. so I was at an impasse then one day I was really tired ( which means many odd things might happen...) I just got out of the shower and was starring into the mirror. This is where I had thinking moment, as I stared at myself I thought about where I've gotten in life and was SURPRISED that I've managed to make it at all considering all that I've gone through. This was my SURPRISE so I've kept the mirror in a box to allow for maybe just maybe another person to experience the same SURPRISE that I did. So how is this more than what it appears... Easy we are all more than we appear and should always remember to look deeper than what we see in the mirror. Also to have a plan B I have this >.> >>>>><<<<<<<<<<<

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